Docs / Language Manual / NewcomerExamples

Newcomer Examples

An example is worth a thousand words.

This section is dedicated to newcomers trying to figure out general idioms & conventions in Reason and BuckleScript. If you're a beginner who's got a good idea for an example, please suggest an edit!

Using the option type

option is a variant that comes with the standard library. It obviates the need for null values in other languages.

let possiblyNullValue1 = None; let possiblyNullValue2: option(string) = Some("Hello@"); switch (possiblyNullValue2) { | None => print_endline("Nothing to see here.") | Some(message) => print_endline(message) };

Creating a parametrized type

type universityStudent = {gpa: float}; type response('studentType) = { status: int, student: 'studentType }; let result: response(universityStudent) = fetchDataFromServer();

Creating a JS Object

Assuming you're compiling to JavaScript.

type payload = { name: string, age: int }; let student1 = { name: "John", age: 30, }; /* Compiles to a JS object with the above fields */

Modeling a JS Module with Default Export

See here.

Checking for JS nullable types using the option type

For a function whose argument is passed a JavaScript value that's potentially null or undefined, it's idiomatic to convert it to a Reason option. The conversion is done through the helper functions in Bucklescript's Js.Nullable module. In this case, toOption:

let greetByName = (possiblyNullName) => { let optionName = Js.Nullable.toOption(possiblyNullName); switch (optionName) { | None => "Hi" | Some(name) => "Hello " ++ name } };

This check compiles to possiblyNullName == null in JS, so checks for the presence of null or undefined.