Compiler ยท Oct 2, 2017

Announcing BuckleScript 1.4.2

Hongbo Zhang
Compiler Team

New Changes

BuckleScript 1.4.2 release comes with quite a few enhancements.

Most notable features

  1. The build system is ready to handle multiple npm packages, and its module system can be overriden by the end user. For example, if the library A(end user) depends library B and library C, we only need tell the build system that A needs goog module system, then B, C will be built using goog module system too.

There are quite lots of enhancements to the build system, we strongly recommend users to re-read the documentation (old docs).

  1. FFI add a new feature

  2. FFI can handle bs.obj and bs.string combination

This article was originally released on
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